Sunday, 6 March 2011

Top 10 Reasons to Use Low Cost Business Videos to Increase Your Sales

1. Highly Effective – proven to drive visitors to your business and sales.

2. Very Affordable – with prices starting from just £99.

3. Always working for you all the time - ubiquitous AND LOCAL !

4. Easy access to vital social networking such as Facebook and Twitter.

5. Makes sharing your business message just a click away. 

6. This is an MTV generation gets your message over in 2 minutes what would take 10 minutes to read as text.

7. Attention –  stand out in a crowed market.

8. Professional – presents your company online in the best possible way.

9. Oven ready customers  – potential customers are prepared in advance of with key marketing messages and so are better ready to purchase– 2008/2009  the number of customers who watched a video before buying a product grew by over 50%.

10. Results,results and results  –  video is 53 TIMES more search engine 'friendly' than mere text.

11. Because there's always one more reason - the ten above make it a no-brainer because it has been proven to work TIME AND AGAIN

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